Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Great Toupee Debockle...

If you haven’t guessed already, Toupee’s have been the topic of our recent random thoughts. If you are anything like Paula and I you regularly have random thoughts about various topics including, but not exclusive to TOUPEES.

The following is the result of our recent Toupee Hunt:  

First and foremost… What is a Toupee???
Turns out a toupee is a hair piece worn by Men or Women to conceal hair loss. (who woulda thunk it???)

Hair Loss Fundimental…. hair loss in Men tends to follow a pattern?

He Looks Like he might be pushing an 8 with this doo..

I'm thinking he might just be a Prime Candidate for a Toupee? (Just a thought...)

Did You Know???

  •  At one time having a toupee was thought to be the mark of a high society man.

  • The use of toupees goes as far back as Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire, and other facts can even predate that.

  • Sales of Toupees are less than 10% of what they were at the height of their use. (Don't know when the height of the use of Toupees was, but I'm thinking it should have been a no-no all along)

  • Toupee’s are now known as a hair replacement system, wigs, or hair pieces. Today's hair pieces are said to be very natural and should be almost impossible to spot by the casual observer.
Toupee Options:
Full lace bases offer the most natural and undetectable look possible.
They are lightweight and comfortable to wear.

Lace front bases offer the same natural appearance of full
lace with a more durable back & a replaceable front.


Polyurethane bases are super thin and replicate natural skin tone.

Conventional bases will last a long time but do not look as
natural. (Hmmmm...)

You can wear a Toupee by attaching it with glue, toupee tape or clips. Most people who wear Toupees like to get the longest bond possible and use a combination of glue and tape to achieve that.

A Toupee tape options:

Toupee or No Toupee…That is the Question???
No really that is the question…AND...That’s the name of this game: You will need to use your keen sense of visual discrimination and figure out which ones are toupees and which ones are not. Good Luck ;)


          1.  Ok…Ok…this one is an easy one… 







5. We thought this picture would be a hard one, but if you
look really close you may be able to get it right.

TOUPEE is my new Favorite Word...I bet you can't count how many times it was used in this

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Christian Slater: Eyebrows, Etc.

While watching Lies and Illusions (don't waste your $1 or trip to the red box) we couldn't help but notice that Christian Slater looked particularly odd, like a hobbit or elf of some sort. Most disturbing were his eyebrows. After much debate and various theories (makeup, intentionally tweezed to reframe his face, part of his film character) we were no closer at arriving at an answer but had many more questions. We had a vague recollection of CS being pretty popular at one time, but couldn't actually name a single CS movie. Thus began our research....

First and foremost, Christian Slater's eyebrows are completely natural (really unfortunate for him). Apparently they've always been and have been the center of media attention. There's a long-standing rumor that he shaved them off to look like Spock for Halloween and they never grew back properly. CS says that he was joking with a reporter in one of his first interviews, and it was somehow printed as fact.... Personally, I would have stuck with the costume story or made something up about a fire; beats saying "no...that really is just how my face is." If I were him, I'd be sure to note that the fire also burned his scalp, killing hair follicles in a pattern resembling an extreme receding hairline.

CS has also been accused of impersonation due to his eyebrows: "If I make a move, like raise my eyebrows, some critic says I'm doing Nicholson. What am I supposed to do, cut off my eyebrows?"

Personally, I've always thought of him more as an Ethan Hawke impersonator...

Random facts:
  • CS is 40 years old and clearly a Botox addict.
  • Dropped out of high school but got his GED years later.
  • He has a green belt in kenpo karate (I don't think I've heard about karate belts since elementary school- and green is like level 5 out of 9).
  • CS was arrested on charges of third degree sexual abuse in 2005: A woman claimed that Slater grabbed her ass on a Manhattan street.
  • Famous quote: "Work is my hobby, staying sober is my job."